Ecological Profile is a more comprehensive replacement of the usual socio-economic profile which gives equal coverage to the physical, biophysical, socio-economic, cultural and build environments of a city/municipality.
1. To help the Local Government Unit determine the following:
- Current level of services to its constituents
- Resources available- Environmental factors which affect policy
2. To provide data that will lead to identification of problem situations affecting the target or specific segments of the population
Impact Indicators - measure key dimensions of well-being, e.g. freedom from hunger, literacy, good health, empowerment, security.
Outcome Indicators - capture access to, use of, or satisfaction with the services provided or received, e.g. access to clean water, proportion of mothers availing of family planning clinics, volume and frequency of letters of complaints, etc.
1. Intermediate Indicators - measure the factor or factors that determine an outcome or that contribute to the process of achieving an outcome. Intermediate indicators may be divided into input or output depending on the stage of the process.
2. Final Indicators - measure the effect of an intervention on individual's well-being. Final indicators may be divided into outcome and impact indicators.
Impact Indicators - measure key dimensions of well-being, e.g. freedom from hunger, literacy, good health, empowerment, security.
Outcome Indicators - capture access to, use of, or satisfaction with the services provided or received, e.g. access to clean water, proportion of mothers availing of family planning clinics, volume and frequency of letters of complaints, etc.