The Comprehensive Development Plan or CDP pertains to the multi-sectoral plan formulated at the city level which embodies the vision, sectoral goals, objectives, development strategies and policies within the term of the Local Government Unit (LGU) officials and the medium-term. It contains corresponding Programs/Projects/Activities which serve as primary inputs to investment programming and subsequent budgeting and implementation of projects for the growth and development of local government territories.
1. Preliminary Pages
a. Resolution adopting the CDP
b. Foreword
c. Acknowledgement
d. Table of Contents
e. List of Tables
f. List of Figures
g. List of Boxes
2. Quick Facts About the LGU
a. Brief Historical Background
b. Geo-physical Characteristics
- Location ad Total Land Area
- Topography
- Climate
c. Population and Demographic Profile
- Total population - male and female; urban-rural; school-age population by level, by sex; dependent population, male and female; labor force, male and female
- Population density
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Languages/ dialects
- Poverty incidence
d. Social Services
- Number of schools, hospitals, day care centers
e. Economy
- Major economic activities
- Number of business establishments by industry sectors
f. Infrastructure
- Transport and Utilities (major circulation network, sources of water and power supply and communication facilities)
- Administrative infrastructures (number of national government offices situated and operating in the LGU)
g. Environment
- Solid waste management
- General air quality
- General water quality
h. Institutional Machinery
- Political subdivisions (number of districts, barangays)
- Organizational structure
3. Matrix of Local Development Indicators
4. Comprehensive Development Plan
1. Vision
2. Vision-Reality Gap Analysis
3. Cross-Sectoral/ Special Issues and Concerns
4. Sectoral Development Plans
a. Social Development Plan - a compendium of proposed activities designed to deal with the identified issues and concerns relative to improving the state of well-being of the local population and upgrading the quality of social services such as health, education, welfare, housing and the like questions of equity and social justice and gender sensitivity are also addressed by this sectoral plan. Many programs and projects in this sector are of the "soft" non-capital type but they are as important as the capital investment or "hard" projects.
b. Economic Development Plan - embodies what the local government intends to do to create a favorable climate for private investments through a combination of policies and public investments to enable business and industry to flourish and, ultimately, assure the residents of a steady supply of goods and services and of jobs and household income. A very significant component of this sectoral plan is the LGU's support to agriculture and other food production activities and the promotion of tourism programs.
c. Infrastructure and Physical Development Plan - deals with the infrastructure building program and the land acquisition required as right-of-way or easements of public facilities. The physical development plan may include proposals for the redevelopment of old and declining sections of the locality, opening up new settlement areas or development of new growth centers in conformity with the chosen spatial strategy.
d. Environmental Management Plan - consolidates the environmental implications of all development proposals within the city and provides mitigating and preventive measures for their anticipated impacts. It embodies programs for maintaining cleanliness of air, water and land resources and rehabilitating or preserving the quality of natural resources to enable them to support the requirements of economic development and ecological balance across generations. A major component of this sectoral plan will also include measures to minimize the vulnerability of the local residents to natural hazards and disasters.
e. Institutional Development Plan - focuses on strengthening the capability of the local government bureaucracy as well as elected officials to plan and manage the development of the city. Manpower development, fiscal management and program/project management are the vital components of this sectoral plan. This sectoral plan likewise promotes the involvement of voluntary groups or civil society organization in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the different sectoral programs, projects and activities.
The output of each sectoral plan will serve as an input to the Local Development Investment Program and to the legislative agenda of the Sanggunian.
Each sectoral development plan contains the following :
a. Introduction
b. Goals
c. Objectives and Targets
d. Strategies
e. Programs and Projects
f. Proposed Legislations
g. Project Ideas or Project Briefs/ Profiles
5. Local Development Investment Program
a. List of programs and projects with their corresponding costs to be funded from local sources ranked by level or urgency
b. List of programs and projects with their corresponding costs to be funded from other sources, i.e. region, national government, private sector, foreign donors, grants, loans, etc.